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Friday, December 18, 2009

Face-to-face with Jaclyn

Christian Bethany Felix,13, Puchong

When I was asked to interview Jaclyn Victor, I was ecstatic. I’d never interviewed a celebrity before, but I’d heard about them. I was excited!

When I met Jaclyn Victor, I couldn’t believe it. How could anybody so inspiring seem like a friend I knew all my life? It was so easy talking to her and understanding what she meant when she said it.

To Jaclyn, enjoyable entertainment is defined as “Good, clean fun”, which is easy to watch without getting bored. Her way of entertaining people is not only enjoyable – it comes from the heart.

“As long as I can remember, I’ve always liked to sing. Even as a baby, I’d hum around and I’d quit crying when music came on. Music was something that came with me, like a package.”

As many of you know, Jaclyn has acted in Talentime, which was written and directed by the late Yasmin Ahmad. But when she was asked to choose between singing or acting, she said she would definitely stick with music because it was what she did best and is happy with.

“If you love doing it, and you make a living out of it, then it’s really living your dream. It’s like you get your cake, eat it, and not put on any weight.”


Jaclyn’s singing career started in a band. She prefers this to singing solo. She said that the energy helps. And that she would love to sing “live” more often. She also said that if you wanted to sing well, you needed to practise often.

“After all, your voice is an instrument.”

But in spite of being a celebrity, Jaclyn Victor is incredibly down-to-earth.

“A lot of people expect me to be partying the whole weekend, or to go out whenever I’m free, but I’ve got six days a week of sound and intensity, all I want on the weekends are peace and quiet!”

Among her hobbies and pastimes are rock-climbing, swimming, reading autobiographies, and watching television, especially the Discovery Channel. And she is currently obsessed with Egypt.

As a child, Jaclyn’s role model was Whitney Houston but now she prefers Alicia Keys. She also salutes Beyonce and enjoys country music as well as Michael Buble.

But if she had a chance to meet them, the top four people she would like to meet – even if they aren’t alive anymore – would be Steven Tyler, Elvis Presley, Michael Jackson and Jesus.

I can understand why.

When I asked her where she got her inspiration, she said she didn’t exactly have one source.

“Maybe it’s one of those moments, late at night, when I have trouble sleeping. That’s when I get ideas.”


Jaclyn, like me, is strongly against smoking. She is also greatly affected about news around the world involving kidnappings. If she had one wish, it would be to have a safer world, where “… you could walk out at midnight and still feel secure”.

Jaclyn’s message to YOU?

“Please don’t take stupid risks. Some of you out there are in difficult situations where you have too many bad choices to choose from.

“Sometimes, you’ve just got to be true to yourself, and not try to please everyone all the time. I used to be like that, and it wasn’t great.

“And to those who are disheartened, stop being depressed, because it’s unhealthy, and it will solve no problem.

“Go out there, and live the life which was given to you. Turn it into something that will make you glad to be you.

“And if there’s a lesson I’ve learnt throughout my life, it’s that if you’re different, it doesn’t mean that you’re weird. It only means that you’re special.

“Why would anyone want to settle for the ordinary and be ‘normal’ when they could be unique: themselves?”

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